Crop Management and Monitoring

Application of Space For Food & Agriculture


Crop management is the set of agricultural practices performed to improve the growth, development, and yield of crops. It begins with a seedbed preparation, sowing of seeds and crop maintenance; and ends with crop harvest, storage, and marketing. There are many aspects of crop management from production techniques to understanding the boundary conditions of farms and the impact of harvesting on future crops. Monitoring a farm, whether at the field level or the overall farm requires the use of satellites and drones to understand and monitor growing conditions, plant health, and threats to plant health. Monitoring crops also allows us to enhance our understanding of food availability. Much of work done in crop monitoring focuses on ensuring a healthy and large production yield, as well as early warning signs of disease and shortfalls in crop production.

Value Impact

Increase crop yield, decrease water usage, decrease chemical uses, and help prevent catastrophic crop losses

Seed TAM

Total remote sensing market is ~15B € and the total addressable market related to crop management is 1.6B€


GPS on Equipment
Soil Health Monitoring
Weather Monitoring & Prediction
Weather Monitoring & Prediction
Pest Tracking

Why Space

Earth observation/remote sensing via specific radio frequencies
Earth observation/remote sensing
  • Visible – specific soil detection
  • IR – soil differentiation, classification, surface temperatures
  • Earth observation/remote sensing
  • Visible – vegetation discrimination, normalized vegetation index
  • IR – classification, healthy vs. disease crops, chlorophyll content, moisture content, crop water stress level
  • Earth observation/remote sensing
  • IR – Drought events, severe weather, smoke monitoring
  • Earth observation/remote sensing using visible and IR


  • Farm Equipment and Management
  • Farming Apps
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Weather Observation
  • Market Applications

    Improving crop management leading to better crop yield
    Preventing over/under watering and monitoring nutrients in the soil for sustainability and better crop yield
    Understanding issues on a large scale to prevent issues from spreading or stopping them leading to increased crop yield
    Preparation for preventing crop loss if weather events threaten crops
    Preparing for and preventing the spread of pests that effect crop health and yield

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